2024 Meeting Dates
- Monday 4th March 3.00 p.m. @ Council Chamber
Members of the public are welcome.
If you have any questions in relation to policing matters please email jpc@kildarecoco.ie at least 3 weeks in advance of the meeting dates listed above.
Under Section 36 of the Garda Siochana Act 2005, Joint Policing Committees have been established to provide a forum where Local Authority and senior Garda Officers responsible for the policing of that area, with the participation of Oireachtas members and community interests, can consult, discuss and make recommendations on matters affecting policing of that area.
Guidelines for Joint Policing Committees
List of current members of the Kildare Joint Policing Committee
Community Based CCTV Grants Scheme
This scheme is intended to support local communities who wish to install and maintain CCTV security systems in their area, with the aim of increasing
public safety and to deter illegal or anti-social behaviour.
Purpose of the Joint Policing Committee
The purpose of the Joint Policing Committee is to serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of a local authority's administrative area, and in particular to:
- Keep under review: Levels and patterns of crime, disorder & anti-social behaviour in that area
- Advise the Local Authority and the Gardai on how best they might perform their functions having regard to the need to do everything feasible to improve the safety and quality of life and to prevent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour with the area.
- Arrange and host public meetings concerning matters affecting the policing of the local authority's administrative area.
- Establish in consultation with the local Garda Superintendent, as the committee considers necessary within specific neighbourhoods of the area, local policing fora to discuss and make recommendations to the committee.
Matters for consideration for Joint Policing Committees
The matters to be considered by committees and subcommittees might include traffic, vandalism, anti-social behaviour, underage drinking, casual trading, litter, planning for events attracting large crowds, community based crime prevention initiatives, Garda Divisional and District annual policing plans and Local Authority initiatives.